Friday, February 1, 2013

The Connection between Joy and Gratitude

Gratitude vs. Joyfulness

The above link is to a video I recently viewed about gratitude and joy. It's easy to believe that we experience joy and then due to that joy experience gratitude. But in the above clip Brene Brown, a social researcher reveals that her findings indicates that the reverse is true. We practice gratitude and as a result, we become more joyful. What an interesting revelation and one that can, at first, seem difficult to believe. Take a moment however to consider the last time you felt incredibly grateful and the emotions that came with that experience. Perhaps considering that moment makes gratitude and joy feel inextricable linked. It sure does for me.

In the book, Ask and it is Given  by Jacob and Ester Hicks, the authors give a list of processes to "enhance our vibrational frequency" or in  other words, to be happier. The number one and first process given and primarily to be used to make happy people even happier is called "A Rampage of Appreciation." (I love that title.) A rampage of appreciation is exactly what it sounds like. It's when we start thinking of as many things as we can that we appreciate. It's best to vocalize these things out loud and they can be as silly (laughter always a joyful experience) or as serious as we like them to be as long as they are sincere and not including the words "not" or "no" or focused on our lack. For example if you say "I'm grateful I'm not at work." You are giving attention to your work and furthermore attention to your dislike of work. A better way to vocalize this would perhaps be "I'm grateful for this free time!" Or "I appreciate relaxing in the sunshine." It sounds a lot happier this way, doesn't it? And when we practice appreciation this way we FEEL differently.  Our mind and spirit hear these thoughts and respond accordingly.

The toughest and best part (in my opinio) is when we move from the easy gratitude into the tough gratitude. When we learn to be grateful for the hard times that have shaped our strong character, for the "mistakes" that taught us so much more than perfection, for uncertainty, or for lost love. When we are grateful for these things, that is when the process really begins, because our gratitude turns to a positive attitude that turns into faith. We create a life view for ourselves that sees no failure because it is all necessary. We create a perspective that even the gross, messy, difficult and uncomfortable things in life are also in turn blessings and that empowers us to face them head on and breath into what we may have shied away from in the past.

Finally, when we cultivate joy in ourselves we create a gift to be shared with others. The greatest gift we can give those around us is our personal happiness. When we are beings full of gratitude it radiates out of us. Gratitude is contagious. We've all interacted with that happy person at the grocery store or walking down the street. A smile and a greeting or a brief conversation can go a long way. Conversely, when a close friend is wallowing in a mire of sadness, guilt, self doubt, or negativity that too can take a toll on us. So we cultivate personal joy first and then we share it. And according to my home girl, Brene, the first step is gratitude. So feel free to go on your own personal rampage!

My bed!
The ability to support myself!
Strong, capable powerful body!
Being loved..... in so many different ways!

See. It's just so easy! Enjoy!